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Academic Sales & Marketing Manager (National)

Nanda Kumar

Phone: (02) 9422 2609
Mobile: 0447 428 360
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: nanda.kumar@lexisnexis.com.au

Academic Account Managers

The LexisNexis Academic Account Managers make regular visits to most Australian law and commerce faculties, as well as TAFE colleges. They aim to keep lecturers and bookshops informed about our recent and forthcoming LexisNexis titles, and to offer advice about selecting texts for courses.

QLD, NT & Northern NSW

Marietta Gunn

Phone: 1800 678 975
Mobile: 0488 488 094
Fax: (07) 3335 001
Email: marietta.gunn@lexisnexis.com.au


Brad McGrath

Phone: (02) 9422 8788
Mobile: 0488 488 051
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: brad.mcgrath@lexisnexis.com.au


Galia Adel

Phone: (08) 9288 4461
Mobile: 0488 488 135
Fax: (08) 9288 4560
Email: galia.adel@lexisnexis.com.au


Nick Mason

Phone: (03) 9691 3397
Mobile: 0488 488 103
Fax:(03) 9600 2125
Email: nicholas.mason@lexisnexis.com.au