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Do you want to write for us?

LexisNexis has a proud tradition of publishing quality legal books to suit the needs of students studying law and commerce in Australian universities and TAFEs. Our aim is to cover a wide range of subjects and to cater for a variety of teaching styles.

We believe there is always scope for new ideas for publications, including fresh approaches to treating some traditional subject matter. If you have a manuscript or an idea for a publishing project, our Commissioning Editors are interested in hearing from you. The LexisNexis Authors Questionnaire may help you in preparing a proposal for the Commissioning Editors. You can either email or post the completed LexisNexis Authors Questionnaire to the relevant Commissioning Editor for that subject area. Our highly innovative commissioning and development team has a wealth of experience in academic publishing and is listed below with contact details and subject area responsibilities.

Penny Martin - Academic Publishing Manager

Phone: (02) 9422 2289
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: penny.martin@lexisnexis.com.au

Commissioning Editors

Linda Boer - Academic

  • Administrative Law
  • Conflict of Laws
  • Contracts
  • Constitutional Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Evidence
  • Legal Skills
  • Litigation, Procedure & Practice
  • Police/Criminology
  • Remedies
  • Real Property
  • Restitution
  • Succession

Phone: (02) 9422 2608
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: linda.boer@lexisnexis.com.au

Kate Hickey - Academic

  • Animal Law
  • Asian Law
  • Contracts
  • Civil & Political/Human Rights
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Environmental Law
  • Equity & Trusts
  • Family Law
  • Indigenous Legal Issues
  • International Law
  • Intro to Law
  • Jurisprudence
  • Legal Ethics
  • Legal Research & Reference
  • Torts
  • Trade Practices & Consumer Protection
  • Law for Non-Lawyers:
    • E-Commerce & IT Law
    • Education & Law
    • Hospitality & Tourism Law
    • Medicine & Law
    • Public Relations & Media Law

Phone: (02) 9422 2493
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: kate.hickey@lexisnexis.com.au

Angie Zandstra - Academic

  • Accounting
  • Auditing
  • Banking & Finance
  • Business Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Corporate & Securities Law
  • Corporations Law
  • Estate Planning
  • Financial Planning
  • Industrial & Employment Law
  • Insolvency & Bankruptcy
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Sports Law
  • Superannuation
  • Taxation & Revenue
  • Training & Development

Phone: (02) 9422 2766
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: angie.zandstra@lexisnexis.com.au

Catherine Gordon - Academic Supplementary Material

  • LNConnect
  • Ancillary support

Phone: (02) 9422 2829
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: catherine.gordon@lexisnexis.com.au

Joanne Beckett - Practitioner

  • Practitioner Books
  • The College of Law Practice Papers

Phone: (02) 9422 2216
Fax: (02) 9422 2406
Email: joanne.beckett@lexisnexis.com.au
