19-20 February 2009
Marriott Hotel, Brisbane
The Property Law Masterclass is designed to bring you up to date with pressing issues and emerging trends in the Queensland Property market, along with its Property and Construction Micro-Workshops being delivered by Holding Redlich are associated pen-to-paper approaches to dovetailing your knowledge and skills in property and construction with the real-world trends.
Key Sessions:
- Discover how to facilitate large-scale international property transactions in light of the global credit crunch
- Keep abreast of the recent GST developments
- Effectively manage the transfer of leases and sub-leases
- Successfully claim damages for incomplete or defective work
- Hear about the legal complexities surrounding development submissions over the Rail Corridor
- Determine how put & call options interrelate with PAMDA
Outstanding speaker faculty:
- Matthew Derrick, Partner, Deacons
- Christopher Boge, Partner, Clayton Utz
- Damian O’Connor, Special Counsel, HopgoodGanim Lawyers
- Russell Thirgood, Partner, McCullough Robertson Lawyers
- Cameron Graham, Partner, Barry & Nilsson Lawyers
- Les Priddle, Special Counsel, Hawthorn Cuppaidge Badgery
- Paul Spiro, Managing Partner, Gadens Lawyers
- David Topp, Barrister-at-Law, Bank of New South Wales Chambers
2008 prices before 28 November 2008!
Download the conference program for more information.