Embarking on the transition from policy to law
17- 18 November 2008
2008 marks the dawn of a new era for climate change – a time for deliberate and strategic preparation and action. The penalties, obligations and risks of climate change legislation are enormous.
Precursors to legislation establishing a Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in Australia, the final report of The Garnaut Climate Change Review and the Federal Government White Paper are due to be released by the final quarter of 2008.
At the frontend of the Climate Change Series, Lexis Nexis brings together leading experts from industry, government and legal markets to dissect, debate and act on climate change issues as we move towards a carbon constrained future for Australia.
Key Sessions:
- Assess ramifications of the Garnaut Report, Government Green & White Papers and the proposed Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme – the precursors to legislation
- Safeguard against penalties, compensation, compliance obligations and climate change risks for business
- Reduce risk of litigation and penalties arising from unverified carbon and green marketing claims under the Trade Practices Act 1974
- Precisely comply with carbon emission reduction obligations following the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Scheme (NGERS) by the 30 June 2009 deadline to avoid penalties
- Hear from the government’s key advisors on emissions trading legislation – Baker & McKenzie, Clayton Utz & Mallesons Stephen Jaques
- Capitalise on opportunities and mitigate risks for business presented by emerging climate change markets and legislation
Outstanding speaker faculty:
- Graeme Dennis, Partner, Clayton Utz
- Paul Curnow, Partner, Baker & McKenzie
- Anthony Collins, General Manager – Emerging Markets, Australian Securities Exchange (ASX)
- Sue Williamson, President, Taxation Institute of Australia, Partner, Clayton Utz
- Grant Anderson, Partner, Allens Arthur Robinson
- Louis Chiam, Partner, Mallesons Stephen Jaques
And more… |
Presented by:

Capital Monitor
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Purposefully designed education for:
- Corporate Counsel or In House Counsel
- CEOs, General Managers, Directors
- Carbon Trading, Sustainability & Environmental Managers
- Government Lawyers, Advisers & Specialists
- Partners, Barristers, Associates
- Corporate & Commercial Lawyers
- Environmental Lawyers
LexisNexis Climate Change Publications: Global Climate Change:
Australian Law and Policy
David Hodgkinson and Renee Garner
Global Climate Change: Australian Law and Policy is a comprehensive guide to climate change law and policy at local, state and national levels in Australia. The international framework established to deal with climate change is also examined in the book, together with frameworks in other non-Australian jurisdictions.
Publication Date: September 2008
Click here for more information