26 November, Crowne Plaza
Canberra 2008
After extensive research LexisNexis Professional Development designed this conference to address
the specific needs of the public sector. If you are in
a decision making role within a government legal
team, or provide advice to the public sector, this
event is not to be missed.
Key Sessions:
- Outlining statutory requirements and the practical implications
- Examining the latest issues in Client Legal Privilege
- Ensuring proper decision making in Administration Law
- Evaluating developments in Freedom Of Information (FOI)
- Evaluating the role of Alternate Dispute Resolution
- Defining the role of Expert Evidence
- Managing strategic litigation and selecting your external team
Outstanding Speaker Faculty
- Alan Bradbury, Partner, Public Law, Minter Ellison
- Max Spry, Queensland Bar Association
- John Carroll, Partner, Clayton Utz
- Maia Ablett, Senior Adviser, Privacy & FOI Branch, Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet
- Michael Will, Partner, DLA Phillips Fox
- Dr Hugh Selby, Barrister, Faculty of Law, Australian National University
- Chris Reed, General Counsel, Department of Health and Ageing
Purposefully designed education for:
- Government in-house lawyers:
- In-house Counsel
- General Counsel
- Corporate Counsel
- Special Counsel
- Senior Government Lawyer
- Chief Solicitor
- Head of legal Services
- Legal Counsel
- Principal Legal Officer
- Assistant Secretary – Litigation branch
- Chief Legal Officer
- Director Legal Services
Early bird discount expires
20 October 2008!
